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Hitech Gamez is one of the leading gaming stores in Andhra Pradesh, with both online and offline presence.

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    Customer Care Timings

    Monday to Saturday
    - 11 am to 7 pm

    In Store Timings
    Monday to Sunday
    - 11 :30 am to 8 pm

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    4/1 Arundelpet
    opp Apollo Pharmacy
    Guntur 522002
    Andhra Pradesh


    Your one stop shop for the latest video games, consoles & accessories for PS5, PS4, Xbox Series S/X Xbox One, Nintendo Switch, PC, Retro and more!

    If you are reading this, you are either the curious type or happen to be lost. In either case, please stay and let’s get to know each other a little better.

    Hitech Gamez is an independent Video Game store that we started way back in 2012. And by ‘independent’, we really mean it – we are not a big corporation and we don’t have any funding. We are a small business started by a Passion of gaming and we’ve funded this whole thing from the ground up with our savings, Your support make us grow better, Hitech Gamez is ready to be your local & online video game store. We carry the hottest new video games and consoles PS5, PS4, Xbox Series S/X, Xbox One X, Xbox One S ,PS3, Xbox 360, Nintendo Switch both new and Pre-owned.

    Pre-order exciting new releases on discounted price and get them via Home delivery or Store Pickup. We also have fun retro games and a wide variety of collection of it. You can also find kids’ video games that are a hit for children of all ages.

    Our Goal

    Our goal is to curate some fantastic gaming culture in A.P and in India, many of us move away from gaming with age either because we couldn’t find the time in our busy schedules and to make this happen we do our best damn service that we possibly can. We value the hard-earned money that you spend on us and we do our absolute best to get you some games & goodies that you can be proud of. Though for Pre-owned section is to bring reasonable prices for Middle-class people who don’t afford high prices of games and consoles which depends on budget gaming. So if you’re looking for some outstanding deals, you’ve come to the right place!

    Why Hitech Gamez ? Thats Curious isn’t it

    By curious, you mean damn epic, of course. As a Gamer myself in passion of games in all seriousness, we like gaming form childhood, We like the mythology behind them, There’s a sense of brotherhood and gaming community & we all look out for each other. Gives us the warm fuzzies.. We are here at your service until our breath in gaming, Our Reviews on google shows our quality and trusted services , Support us…We are a small team of real-life humans (with big ideas!)

    Our Specialty is Repairing and Fixing in Gaming Consoles & Controllers, We are certified technicians in electronic hardware chip level services. So please don’t forget to contact us for any issues or services of your favorite consoles or controllers give them a new life again.

    CONCLUSION is a new online game store website launched in 2020 & We have offline store as well as serving from 2012 by your Fellow Gamer TechnoGeek ( SKY ) who has 10 years of widespread experience in Video Gaming and playing games from 25 years and 10 years of experience in console tech services. Thanks for my couple of fantastic friends who support us on our goals and special thanks to our parents for their blessings.




    Has your Videogame console got kicked the bucket unexpectedly? Don't stress: HitechGamez is here to lend a helping hand. 

    From consoles to controllers, The HitechGamez team of expert technicians are on deck to help get your console back on its feet. Simply bring your faulty hardware to our store or just book your Game Console/Controller Repair courier it online, we can take care of the rest.  

    Is your controller is not working properly buttons stucks analogs got broken or lose any problem 😭.Don't worry we are here to fix it All Ps4 Ps3 Xbox 360 Xbox one/series controllers service and repairing with genuine and original or 1st quality spares available at Your Hitech Gamez with warranty.


    Our services

    Ps5 Repair PS4 Repair Ps3 Repair Ps2 Repair Xbox box Repair Nintendo Repair

    HDMI repair # HDMI port replacement # Display ic repair #Charging port repair # Ps5 Ps4 Xbox Joystick repair # Drift issues, analog sticks replacement, # Software installation #Overheat issue #Disc drive issue, #lens replacement